Monday, May 7, 2012

Begin Again: "Forgiveness" - Pt. 1 (James 4:1-12)

Scripture Reading: James 4:1-12

Observation Questions:
1.  Where do wars and quarrels come from (v. 1-2)?
2.  What are the two reasons that we do not have what we want (v. 2-3)?
3.  What causes opposition between us and God (v. 4)?
4.  Who becomes envious or jealous when we want our own way, rather than God's way (v. 5)?
5.  Who does the Lord give grace to (v. 6)?
6.  In what four ways can we humble ourselves before the Lord (v. 7-10)
7.  If we do not humble ourselves, what will we be inclined to do (v. 11-12)

Application Questions:
1.  Have you been in a strife-filled situation with a brother or sister in the Lord, in recent months?
2.  If so, what happened and what, if anything, did you do to resolve the disagreement?
3.  Have you ever been disliked or been offended with a brother or sister for no obvious reason?
4.  If so, have you asked the Lord to reveal the root cause of your feelings?
5.  If you have ever been unforgiving toward anyone, what will you do to humble yourself?

Life Lessons:
1. When we envy the Lord's blessings in another's life, our best recourse is confession and repentance.
2. When we covet what others have, we are doubting God's goodness to us.
3. As children of God, our first and only allegiance should be to the will and ways of God!

For a devotional reading on the above Scripture reading, please visit Writer Roxanne Rogiersblog. 

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